the school mentioned in my prior blog and how exciting! We were met by a troop of perhaps 25 8 - 14 year old girls dancing several native interpretive dances - all
the while singing acapella in their native Ewe tribal tongue with only a drum to
keep the beat. A truly beautiful and most wonderful sound. A few pics can bee seen below. I used my camera to great advantage by taking a bunch of pictures at
short range then turned the camera around and showed them the pics, there was
great laughter and was a move used for the remainder of the visits. Somehow, I felt very much at ease buried amongst these young children.
These kids are visually stunning with quite dark complexion and the
most amazing smiles. And, all - boys and girls included - have incredibly short
hair which simply accentuates their natural beauty. These are a beautiful
people. At the end of the visit, we met with the principal and her teachers who
were very thankful for the new building built last year which replaces a straw
hut. They provided us with cold drinks and fresh fruit upon departure. A great
day, very grounding, and a learning experience. Clearly one does not need to be
wealthy from a possession perspective to be happy.
Closing thought at end of day?
We are far far more privileged than we can ever imagine.
Next 2 pics: Our reception in the village of Agomé
This is the definition of a rural 2 classroom / 1 office school in Togo.
Next 2: Beautiful features of the Ewe people of central and southern Togo
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